Monday, March 19, 2012

Family history

The documents above are a 1923 German passport and the birth certificates of my grandparents.  My grandfather (Stefon Massizek) and grandmother (Marie Massizek) came to America from Vienna, Austria.  Note the birth date of my grandparents (1896). 
Also pictured in the passport is my Uncle Steve (Stefon).  My father (Gottfried) was an infant and is listed under Kinder in the document, but was not included in the picture.  

The birth certificates of my grandparents show that the original spelling of the Massic family name was Mafsiczek.  How it got changed to Massizek prior to the passport, I do not know. 
The young family came to America through Ellis Island soon after this passport was made.  The officials there changed our family name to Massic.  Only one of my relatives, that I am aware of, escaped the naturalization process with the original family name and that was my Great Uncle Ed Massiczek. What a shame that history is distorted for the ease of spelling and pronunciation.


  1. That is great to have the pictures and documents. I searched the site for years to find my Grandparents. I could find all of my Grandfathers siblings in the steerage records but not his. We knew that my Grandmother came second cabin (my Grandfather sent for her in 1921)but I couldn't find her either.
    One weekend I prayed really hard to find them and Monday morning I did!! He was listed as Angiolo Quilici(Angelo Quilici) and she was listed as Fuilia Della Santa (Guilia Quilici).
    These were data entry errors (typo) because the ships manifests had the correct spelling.
    I am very interested in this stuff and hope to find living relatives in Italy. Maybe we need to take a trip over there to do research for your next book? I am a great detective!!

    1. This is from me Anita (Anna)I don't know why it says unknown.

  2. Grandpa Fred (Godfred) has amazing family history. I love hearing about his family. We need to dig up more of Grandma Margets history.
