Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stephen Mitchell reviews "Dream: If not for Katie..."

"Dream: If not for Katie..." by Anita Massic takes us effortlessly into America's past putting us at ease with the characters, their circumstances and the ways of the Old West with no hint of artifice or jarring shifts of perspective in the back and forth transitions from present to past. The interests and the concerns of the characters underscore the hardships and the joys that came with founding a new country--one where guarantees were neither offered nor expected.

There is, of course, more to the story than the documentation of life in early America. The intriguing link from the present to the past and the connectivity between the then and the now is at the center of this journey which is both rewarding and promising--there will be a sequel.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Old West slang

Please take a look at the following website…

This is a very useful and amusing website for any history buff or novelist! The phrases are reminiscent of years past! If you write stories, you can certainly add flavor by knowing these phrases and what they mean. I recognized many that my late Uncle used and some that are still used today. There are many that I did not know. 

It would be great fun to use the slang on all ages and catalog the results. For instance, an older gentleman might remember Arbuckle’s and a younger fellow might say, “Oh, you mean Java!” Someone “to ride the river with” back then, might be a “Mac Daddy” now.  

If re-introduced into the modern world, there might be a new trend in slang. A completion of a circle you might say. One might bring back an old trend in slang like an old trend in fashion.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Dream: If not for Katie...": A reader's review

Hello Anita,

I met you briefly at the Elks Lodge in West Plains where I purchased your novel “Dream".

I wanted to let you know it took me two evenings to read it and I just loved it. There are very few books that I have read where I felt like I was right there with the characters and could visualize all that was happening. But this novel did that for me, also for my mother-in-law who read it.

I am sure by the ending and what transpired with Katherine that there is a second novel in the works (I hope) and was wondering when you were planning on releasing it. This would also make a fantastic movie or mini-series! Any thought to this?

Thank you for an exceptional “read”. Looking forward to more!

 Bonnie Davis

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Historical Novels

Have you ever run out of good historical fiction choices?  If so, I have a wonderful website to share with you. Historical Novels.info  or http://www.historicalnovels.info/Old-West-Novels.html has information on  a huge selection of novels.  Over 5000 novels are listed! You will recognize many famous writers and titles.
Just select a time period from the list on the left and a list of authors, titles and even brief descriptions are available.  There is a blog to follow.  There are articles and over 300 book reviews to read. 
Join in on the conversations regarding novels.  Satisfy your curiosity in the up close and personal interviews with authors. There are even resources and writing tips for aspiring young authors.    
There is a mountain of information to be found at this website for any historical fiction buff and I would recommend it for any reader or writer. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Wolf Mountain Sanctuary

This website was brought to my attention just a few moments ago, and I could not wait to share it with everyone that I know.  What beautiful, proud and majestic creatures. Take some time out to look closely at the photo of each wolf.  They are truly spiritual.

 I want to pass this link on to all of you so that you can pass it on to everyone that you know.  These animals should not be the burden of this gracious woman alone.  Please contribute.  These are wild creatures of “our” wonderful nation.  And we should all pitch in to take care of them.  Just think of what a pity it would be if we no longer had them in our world.

Please pass this website on to all of your friends.  Tonya could not say it any better:  “Who needs diamonds when they can have wolves?“  


Monday, January 2, 2012

True Grit: Then and now

Just last week I was persuaded to view the new version of “True Grit”.  I was never very interested in doing so because I felt that trying to redo a classic like this one would be futile.  Growing up watching John Wayne, I was a little narrow-minded toward the thought of someone else trying to replay his part.  

Nonetheless, I was reassured that this remake was worth watching, so I did.  I reviewed the old classic with John Wayne and three days later, I watched the new movie.

I must say, this was a wonderful movie.  The undisturbed, wide and spanning scenery shots were awesome, giving a nostalgic feeling of the old west.  Much care was given to every detail and authentication of the time period. 
Some of the scenes were much more graphic compared to the bloodless shots of the old “shoot ‘em ups,” but depicted a less “cheesy,” more realistic feeling.

The acting was superb.  Hailee Steinfield played Mattie and did a great job with the part.  Fearful, but just sassy enough to make you fall in love with own “True Grit!”  And Jeff Bridges was incredible.  He was nothing like John Wayne, but was a perfect match for Rooster Cogburn.

There are many differences and each movie has its own personality.  There will always be a place for an old classic, but there is room for perfection, too.   In any case, I have to hand it to Ethan Coen and Joel Coen and the cast in making a perfect movie.